Rediscover Your Purpose

We weren’t merely created to survive…

We were meant to thrive. But what we experience in life often gets in the way. Come alongside your brothers and sisters in arms to reignite your sense of camaraderie and community and rediscover your purpose.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only born Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

It really is just that simple. By believing in Jesus, we can all be certain of where we will spend eternity. This truth is the foundation to the healing, growth, and purpose that can be a reality for us all. This truth—this guarantee—is the foundation of our ministry.

Our Mission

Advancing Warriors equips veterans, first responders, and their communities for intentional growth toward wholeness, wellness, and spiritual well-being, through development of a relationship with Jesus Christ, and with an authentic group of believers.

Our Vision

We seek to love God, love others, and to follow The Great Commission and “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…

We do this by ministering to our veterans, first responders and building and strengthening authentic communities. This empowers and mobilizes them to be the disciples that they were created to be.

We can help you find healing, growth, and purpose in Jesus Christ.

Advancing Warriors is one of its kind in how we first rely upon a foundation of biblical truth, but with attention and clinical expertise in mental health. Our spiritual and mental health cannot be considered separate; they go hand in hand.

We are veterans and first responders ourselves, and we know firsthand the struggles and adversity faced by those who serve. But these challenges don’t have to be the end of the story. Through God’s word, we help you to unlock your remarkable potential to continue a lifetime of service to others and God.

Find Your TRIBE

By helping veterans and first responders connect with and build a relationship with God, and foster community with others, they can overcome the struggles they’ve encountered in their service and in life.

Our flagship program, TRIBE, helps you to remove barriers to a relationship with God, and between you and those in your life. It builds upon a biblical foundation to help you grow toward a thriving life of abundance in Christ.

“I knew that I needed something. I knew I needed to find my ‘purpose’ in life. I knew what it meant to fulfill my purpose in combat, but I had no idea that I could continue that same sense of service to others and to Jesus. Through all of this, I found that sense of ultimate and eternal purpose that I was desperately trying to find.”

Dan Strathman, Former Army Ranger and Green Beret, AWI Director of Operations


Together we make all the difference

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